ISSN: 2548-947x
Vol.1, No.1, Februari 2017
(Utilization of Lignin From Black Liquor as Composite Wood Adhesive)
M I Iskandar1, Adi Santoso2, & Nina Wiyantina3
[1]Puslitbang Hasil Hutan-Bogor
2Sekolah Tinggi Analis Kimia Cilegon
E-mail/telp: mi.iskandar53@gmail.com/081314038039
Lignin dalam lindi hitam memiliki afinitas yang kuat bila direaksikan dengan formaldehida membentuk perekat lignin formaldehida. Guna meningkatkan daya rekatnya, lignin dikopolimerisasi dengan fenol atau resorsinol sehingga terbentuk resin lignin fenol formaldehida atau lignin resorsinol formaldehida. Resin tersebut dapat diaplikasikan dalam pembuatan produk kayu komposit seperti kayu lapis, papan sambung dan kayu lamina. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap jenis perekat berbasis lignin memiliki karakter yang spesifik. Hasil pengujian terhadap kayu lapis yang direkat dengan lignin formaldehida (LF) dan lignin fenol formaldehida (LPF) menunjukkan bahwa keteguhan rekat produk tersebut berkisar antara 8,0-27,0 kg/cm2, sementara untuk kayu lamina yang direkat dengan lignin resorsinol formaldehida (LRF) berkisar antara 36,9-88,0 kg/cm2, dengan modulus of rupture dan modulus of elasticity berturut-turut sekitar 372 – 637kg/cm2 dan 47,164 – 60,237 kg/cm2. Emisi formaldehida produk berkisar antara 0,05-0,14 mg/L. Efisiensi perekat berbasis lignin pada aplikasi papan sambung mencapai 35,4 – 73,6%. Produk yang menggunakan perekat berbasis lignin ini memenuhi persyaratan Indonesia, Amerika, dan Jepang.
Kata kunci: Lignin, perekat, kayu lapis, papan sambung, kayu lamina
The lignin in the sulphate black liquor has a strong affinity when being reacted with formaldehyde to form lignin formaldehyde adhesives. To increase the bonding strength, the lignin is co-polymerized with phenol or resorcinol to form lignin phenol formaldehyde or lignin resorcinol formaldehyde resins. The resins can be applied in of reconstituted wood products manufacturing such as plywood, finger-jointed wood assembly and glue laminated lumber. The research result showed that each type of lignin base adhesives have specific characters which met Indonesian standard. The test result on plywood which glued by lignin formaldehyde (LF) and lignin phenol formaldehyde (LPF) indicated that bonding strength of the products were 8.0-27.0 kg/cm2, for a while on laminated wood which glued by lignin resorcinol formaldehyde (LRF) indicated that bonding strength of the products were 36.9-88.0 kg/cm2, modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity 372-637kg/cm2 and 47.164-60.237 kg/cm2, respectively. The formaldehyde emissions were about 0.05-0.14 mg/L. The efficiency of lignin based adhesives on finger joint application reach 35.4-73.6%. Therefore, the synthesis of lignin based adhesives, a unique wood adhesive with good resin characteristics and met bonding strength and formaldehyde emission requirement as stated in Indonesia, American, and Japanese standards.
Key words: Lignin, plywood, adhesive, jointed board, laminated wood